Erhan Asik is a Turkish photographer who I came across whilst looking for ideas to do with water based long exposures. After looking through his work i figured that some of his photographs could be recreated. not by taking the photo in the exact same place. but by using the same concept of filters and the use of a tripod. this is the photo that inspired me to go out and capture my own long exposures. I like the way that the water looks in this photo. It can come across as looking like clouds or mist. the way Asik has created this is by using something called an neutral density filter which allows the cameras shutter to be open for longer without the photo becoming over exposed. Here is my recreation. the shutter speed for this particular photo was set to 10 seconds which allowed the water to blur and create the misty effect that i wanted to achieve. I made sure that the orientation of the camera was set to portrait so that i could include the full length of the water ...