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Showing posts from March, 2018

Eadweard Muybridge Recreation

Muybridge Recreation In preparation for the photographs I adjusted the focal length to 100 mm and the shutter speed of 1/2500, the fast shutter speed enabled me to get a crisp image. However, because of the fast speed it let in less light making the image slightly more darker. So I new  thatwouldn’t be able to go up to 3000 th of a second. As the photo wouldn’t be visible. The camera I used shot at three frames per second which was fine as there wasn’t to much of a gap. What I like about the image is that it has similarities to Muybridge's showing the different stages of the body  as they run and also the black and white effect. By  adding  black and white to the photo gives the image a old look which looks cool to me it also brings out the black in the dogs fur and therefore makes it stand out from the bland background.

Narrative Sequence

This is my attempt at a narrative sequence. To create this sequence I used a scrabble board that showed my name as it moved around the board.  I did this as it resembles different situations throughout your life and any problems that you may face. This can be shown by having the letters move upwards and downwards and flip back to front.  This represents the highs and lows you may experience. To create this sequence I used a tripod as this ensured that the camera remained still. I also chose to tilt the camera downwards as this created a birds eye view, And due to this choice of composition. I had to use a wide focal length of 10mm in order to obtain the whole of the board. The frame speed for the narrative sequence is set to 0.1 so that there was a smooth transition between the frames. If the speed was set at the standard rate of 0.05 the sequence would become too fast and the viewer would be unable to read the words spelt. However, if the frame speed was any slower than...

Strawberry Decay Gif

This is my Gif that shows an example of decay, which I created using a strawberry. For six days I captured a photo once in the morning and once in the evening, from the exact same position, so there wasn't a noticeable frame difference.  There are 12 photos in total. The reason why I chose a strawberry is because they are very quick to decay and therefore would be a good subject to capture for this experiment.  The frame speed is set to 0.05 which is standard for a Gif video. To experiment further I reversed all the frames so that the length of the Gif was extended and would show more colour differentiation between ripe and rotten. 

Snowfall Movement Gif

This is the Gif that I created that is a great example of movement. Due to the snowfall recently I thought that it would be a good opportunity to go out and take some pictures. After watching a variety of videos,  Gifs and time lapse videos it became apparent to have a focal point that doesn't move and lets the background move behind it. As you can see I have taken that into consideration whilst shooting. For my Gif I focused my camera on a tree at a focal length of 35mm, this is because I wanted a lot of background blur so the snow would create bokeh. I shot sixty photos on a tripod and then went into photoshop to construct the Gif. Once I was in photoshop I pasted all the photos into a frame animation. I changed the time from 0.5 to 0.03 so that the snow would pass the tree at a faster rate.