Pinhole Cameras
A shoe box
Photographic paper
Photographic paper
A pinhole camera is a shoe box that has a tiny hole in the front made by a drawing pin. It has then got a flap over it to stop light getting in once the photo has been taken.
You place photographic paper inside the shoe box to create the photo.
To take a photo using this camera you need to find somewhere where you can rest the camera on. This is because you need the camera to be still as the light will be exposing the paper for around 10 seconds depending on how bright the area is.
Once you have found the spot you can remove the flap covering the pinhole and let the light into the camera once you think that it has been long enough cover the hole up and take it to the darkroom to create the photo using the chemicals.
After you have finished with the chemicals you can change the image from a negative to a positive by placing it on top of another piece of photographic paper. Then adding a sheet of glass so that the enlarger can still get to it and expose it for 1 minute 30 seconds.
Technical skills
The skills you will need for using pinhole cameras is to know when its the right time to finish the exposure. After using the pinhole cameras I've found out that it is difficult to get the perfect time.
This is photograph was taken by a man called Mark Tweedie. Tweedie takes all his photos using a pinhole camera he says that creating your own pinhole camera can introduce a whole new dimension to the images he makes.
The reason why this photo caught my eye was because he has taken a double exposure. This can be seen as the person in the image is faded and you can see through them.
As a response to Tweedie's work. I am going to experiment with double exposures.
The reason why this photo caught my eye was because he has taken a double exposure. This can be seen as the person in the image is faded and you can see through them.
As a response to Tweedie's work. I am going to experiment with double exposures.
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