Hyper Lapses
What is a hyperlapse? A hyper lapse is when you manually move the camera a short distance between each shot until you have enough images to create a short video. After you have taken your photos you can go onto a gif creator which you can find on the internet and sync your photos together. My first attempt at creating a hyperlapse was at college. We took a series of photos of myself and Heather, every time a photo was taken we moved to a different step. We took around 35 photos and this was the result.
However, I wanted to take this further and I decided to shoot a second hyperlapse, but this time I was going to photograph a house with it's Christmas lights. I thought the subject would make interesting and striking photographs, as the glare of the lights would change as I move parallel to the house on the other side of the road.
One thing that I had to bare in mind was that I needed a point of focus so that when I move to take the next shot I would know what to focus on. I also needed to work out how far I needed to move my camera after each shot. Luckily, there were wooden posts in the ground that were about a metre apart . This meant I could move the tripod evenly each time I took a photo, as the posts acted as a measure. Another thing that worked well was that I was on the opposite side of the road, therefore, some of the photos contained light trails of cars going passed. I think the light trails add to the whole theme of light that I tried to achieve from the hyperlapse.
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